Imposter Syndrome & Confidence Coaching

Supercharge your confidence, feel empowered, revitalise your career, regain your sparkle … without stress and overwhelm.


Significant life changes like redundancy, a promotion, or starting a new job or business are known to trigger imposter syndrome and knock your confidence?

It can happen without you even realising because you’re so caught up in the situation,yet pushed outside of your comfort zone.

Self-doubt, procrastination, worry, overthinking, stress, & losing your sense of self begin to kick-in like never before. You can feel lost & out of control.

Sound Familiar?


I work with people just like you to get their lives and careers back on track and thrive during life’s challenges in ways that feel authentic and right for them. I can help you uncover what’s holding you back from living a life you truly love and supercharge your self-confidence, wellbeing & self-belief.

I spent years in the corporate world, climbing the ladder, conforming, being ‘perfect’, people-pleasing, grinding the daily work treadmill. I was the archetypal ‘good girl’, loyal, hardworking employee and dutiful Mum, daughter and friend. Yet I wasn’t being truly me – I didn’t truly know what ‘me’ was anymore. I’d given my all to everyone and everything else. And I was lost in my robotically ‘perfect’ life working harder and harder.

On the outside I came across as confident, dedicated, seemingly having everything with the successful job, fancy car, lifestyle, family and all the qualifications. People thought I was smart and on top of my game.

Inside? Well that told another story!

Self-doubt, perfectionism, a need to please and prove my worth all added up to a version of me that was insecure and constantly needing validation from external sources, not to mention knackered and stuck in a trap of being resentfully busy.

Was this what life was really all about?

Like many, I believed success came at a price and hard work and overgiving would help me realise my dreams and make me happy. I’m living proof, as are many of my coaching clients, that this just isn’t true.

If you’re like I was, you’ll likely feel trapped in a cycle of overworking, overgiving and overthinking. How could you even find time to fit in coaching, changing your mindset or habits on top of everything else? Harsh truth be told, my friend, that’s just your inner demons self-sabotaging your life.

So, you have a choice. You can either carry on as you are (and I don’t need to explain where that’s heading) or listen to the nudges and niggles within calling you, inviting you to invest in yourself and change your life for the better.

Life doesn’t have to be about struggling. It most definitely doesn’t have to be about sacrifice. If you feel it’s time to finally experience more joy and fulfilment and thrive with ease, let’s talk and get you loving life again!

Does any of this ring true for you?

On the outside you look like you have it all… but on the inside you secretly feel disillusioned, discontent, dissatisfied, unfulfilled or lost.

You’ve been over-doing, over-giving, over-critical (of yourself) and overwhelmed… and enough is enough. It’s time to put your needs and desires first.

You know you’re holding yourself back, perhaps avoiding conflict or opportunities for personal fulfilment and you’d love to feel more empowered and realise your full potential.

You’re facing a significant moment in your life – maybe redundancy, a career change, starting a new business or new leadership role… and your inner critic and self-doubt are kicking in big-time.

You know there has to be more to life than this… you’re done with the pushing, pretending, perfecting and people-pleasing.

You’ve maybe noticed a new level of disconnection from others, your job, your business, your friends… things don’t feel the same or feel right somehow.

You’ve read countless self-help books, got inspired and gained plenty of ideas and insights but nothing has really changed.

You just know this way of life isn’t working for you or feeling right anymore. You want clarity, self-belief and you’re excited to explore what could be… and scared in equal measure.

I get you –  email me here and let’s see how I can help


Be the most empowered, resilient, calm version of yourself through …

  • Conscious mindset work
  • Belief reprogramming techniques
  • Energy and embodiment practices
  • Intuitive empowerment coaching
  • Natural cyclical alignment
  • My proven and practical ‘E.A.S.E. Methodology’ & ‘4E’s Framework‘

I practise these techniques personally as well as share them with my clients so I know how beneficial and life-changing they are.

I use a potent mix of science and spirituality, physiology and psychology, theory and practicality to help you shine brightly and reach your fullest potential.

Working With Individuals & companies including:

You've been amazing

The most significant realisation for me has been starting the journey towards listening to my body and my heart. I have spent far too long listening only to my head and channelling masculine energies. It has been amazing to begin tapping back into the ‘real me’. You’ve been amazing at guiding me from my head zone, stressful, frustrating, everything must happen now attitude to one which is more trusting, kind to myself and calm.

I love this jo

I love this Jo. Feeling so cared for by you, so bloomin’ inspired to make these beautiful little changes. I’m massively proud of the shifts in my thinking. Seems like I’ve made more fundamental life changes than I have from years of self help books. You are one clever lady, I knew that bit already. Seeing you in action, doing the thing you love is wonderful for me as a client to get your wisdom and care.

You really know your stuff!

You have created the most wonderful, safe and nurturing space to dive deep into this work. I have loved every second of it. Whilst there has been a theme running throughout, I love how you have intuitively known the best exercises to give us (you really know your stuff!). And how the coaching calls have built upon this too. It’s made me reflect A LOT about how I am balancing (or not) my work/life blend and the importance of self care and looking at what I need. It’s also made me really conscious of things I am doing and thinking that really don’t serve me well and what to do about that.

I am really beginning to get clarity

I have just gone back and finished this lovely workbook and even though I thought I was being superficial, I wasn’t. I am REALLY beginning to get clarity over what I would like my life to be like and strange little things are happening which totally align. Exciting. Thank you for this.

It was an amazing session

It was an amazing session. And once again I felt really safe, able to share, and I can see that Jo’s guiding hand and your similar experiences are going to be a beautiful match for me right now. Thank you. I’m off to journal and I’m tapping into my feminine energy to hear what my heart and body have to say.