Catalyst Career Coaching with


Catalyst is a one-to-one coaching programme designed to foster a deep sense of personal self-awareness, clarity, confidence and momentum to make the changes you know you need to make in your career or business.

Founded on the premise that we are at our best and thrive when we can recognise and fully unlock our true selves and natural potential, the programme focuses on three key areas:

Mindset – unlocking and reframing limiting beliefs so you can fully realise your potential

Clarity – building solid foundations of deep self-awareness, appreciation and understanding to help you define what you truly need to thrive going forwards

Momentum – building your own personalised blueprint to feeling motivated and enjoy the next chapter of your career; proactively setting you up for success and stepping into the confident, authentic version of you that’s dying to be revealed.


Catalyst is specifically designed for professional career or business women who:

Feel like they have plateaued in their career or business, with no room for advancement or personal development.

Feel drained at the thought of continuing in their current role or way of working. 

Feel a sense of restlessness, emptiness, lack of excitement or purpose in their career – enough to catalyse some significant change in their lives

Are battling their inner critic and finding all the reasons not to change, but know that fear and challenges can’t hold them back any longer

Yearn for something so much more in life and know they are ready for the change

Don’t know what they want or need to design their best next life chapter to make the right change happen.

Is Catalyst the right programme for you?


Ready and willing to change for the better

Ready to put yourself first and prioritise your own wellbeing (don’t worry if this brings up any shame or guilt, the fact you’re ready is the key thing) 

Open and willing to give yourself the time and space to do this work (even if you haven’t a clue how you’ll find the time yet, the fact you want to make changes and take responsibility for your life is enough!)

Ready to let go of what no longer serves you, from roles, beliefs, behaviour, habits or thoughts and committed to stepping into your fullest self

Ready and open to being honest with me and, most importantly, yourself. There’s no judgement from me (ever) … but denial or avoidance isn’t going to get you far!

But, this won’t be the best fit for you if:

You expect me to ‘fix’ or ‘change’ you … I’m very good at what I do to empower you and help bring clarity into your mind, but I can’t change you. Only you can decide to change and be the change! I will wholeheartedly support you on that journey if you’re ready though!

You’re not willing or able to ‘do the work’. To get the most from the coaching sessions you have to make a commitment to yourself to show up, do the activities, take responsibility for your own change and success and try things out. This requires both your time and your energy.

You want a one-size-fits-all approach. I treat everyone individually and intuitively tailor the approach to what you need.

You’re not willing or able to try some spiritual practices to connect with your own inner wisdom and self-awareness. I tap into my incredible toolkit as needed and infuse Oracle cards, meditation, energy clearing, Human Design and much more into my coaching to support and empower you.

How The Programme IS RUN


Catalyst is a 6-session flexible and tailored career coaching and clarity program.

Each session is a one-to-one coaching call held via Zoom for one hour. You can choose a schedule of every 2 weeks, or weekly, depending on your needs.

We will agree and set up our regular schedule when you sign up.

You’ll gain access to a variety of activities, workbooks and resources suited to your needs and future career requirements.

Accountability and support are woven throughout so you get the learning, insights and self-awareness you need to embed and sustain personal change.

I only take on a few coaching clients each month so that I ensure I have the time, energy and focus to give you my best self.


£1,255 +VAT

A 6-session flexible and tailored career coaching and clarity program.

2 x £630 +VAT

A 6-session flexible and tailored career coaching and clarity program.

Prices in Euros or US Dollars available on request.


What Other Coaching Clients Have Said

When I started working with Jo I needed help working through how to get from where I was to where I want to be in the next chapter of my life and career. While I’ve always found it easy to think strategically, I was finding it hard to get specific about my personal ambition and strategy and turn it into a plan.

What I appreciated most from working with Jo was her structured and intuitive approach, her warmth and directness, the light and energy with which she showed up in every session, her uncanny ability to get straight to the heart of an issue. Today I am clear on the value I bring and where I thrive. I’m a lot better at prioritizing and setting intentions.

As a result, I feel more powerful and poised.

Kate H


Jo is a brilliant coach. She supported me to unlock and rid myself of stress and imposter syndrome. She reminded me to listen to and trust myself. Not just listen to my head, but my heart and my gut too.

Jo, because of your support I believed in myself to get a promotion and side step at the same time, but way more importantly, I have found a peace and positivity in myself – I’ll be forever grateful to you.

Susie M

Milton Keynes

I came to work with Jo because I was very stuck in life and in work. Things just felt stale and out of kilter, but I just couldn’t see how to unpick everything and find a positive way forward. She helped me understand what makes me tick and what doesn’t and this has led me to a point where I have let go of thoughts and behaviours that don’t serve me any more. It turns out my life and work are actually pretty spectacular, I just needed to make a few simple and sustainable tweaks.

Thanks to working with Jo I am now more positive, less tolerant of time wasters and energy thieves, getting better at delegating to my miraculous new VA, seizing the day and being more appreciative of all that I have since going through her coaching program. I learnt that I already know the answers, I just needed a positive, down-to-earth and insightful guide to get me back on track.

Sue F




What key areas does your coaching help with?

I specialise in leadership and career coaching, especially when your self-confidence isn’t where you want it to be. My coaching is proven to benefit you during significant times of change – if you’re preparing for a promotion, new role, a return to work, facing redundancy. I’ve also helped numerous clients to positively navigate through times where they’ve felt dissatisfied or lost in their careers or businesses too.

What’s it like to work with you as a coach?

My clients words say it better than I could ever describe. Read through my testimonials and see the impact my coaching has had on their lives and careers, and how it made them feel. 

What are the key benefits of working with you, Jo?

Common themes include gaining inner calm, confidence, clarity, momentum and self-belief. Clients typically also enjoy better relationships, more fulfilment in their careers and renewed energy and focus through working with me – and these continue long-term, long past they have finished working with me.
Take a read of my client testimonials to hear the range of benefits they’ve experienced from my coaching programmes.

Is the coaching on-line or in-person?

All my coaching is online meaning we can build the same great connection, but use our time effectively and save the planet with less travelling.

Do you offer one-off coaching sessions?

I only offer coaching programs. One-off coaching sessions are powerful, but they do not give you the longer-term support, chance to embed new habits and lasting transformation that you deserve. People that invest and commit to their long-term personal development gain the greatest benefits.

Do you have payment plans?

Yes, I have payment plans as detailed on my website to help you spread the cost and benefit from the coaching you need and deserve.

Working With Individuals & companies including: